Welcome to the class blog for E344L: The American South in Literature, Film and Other Media. Here, we will post our responses to the readings for the day. Each student has to post at least six times in the course of the semester, and will have signed up for posting dates early on. See the Post Instructions page for specific posting guidelines.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Maybe life was better outside of the South...
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I was the sorriest post in the class
Just after sun down, I was on the patio with my nose in my eye phone, and my father walked out and said would I like to watch the Daily Show with him. So consumed was I by ruminations of the South and murder and black and white, I ignored his question altogether and proceeded to tell him all about Emmett Till and what had happened, as though he'd never heard it. Give me some credit though, I was telling it in a new way. I had chosen a fresh and important climax for my story, that being Mamie Till's quote, saying no don't touch him up, I want everyone to see him. I want everyone to see what they did to my boy. And everyone did see, but it was her courage, her outrage in place of acceptance, that made the difference. I could see my effort to make this story one of might in the face of adversity had failed. My father said, not altogether heartfelt, "Uhg. It sure is terrible what people do to each other." Then I heard Jon Stewart and Rush Limbaugh and a few bleeps and a few more laughs.
Is that what we're supposed to take from this book? Is it a tragedy about a travesty? Or is it a condemnation of the South, as the above quote would imply? I check one and am more apt to side with two, especially after the quote from Nordan that Noah showed us before break. I will allow one possibility though - Just like I did, but in his own way and for some other or any reason, is Nordan trying to draw something entirely new out of the Emmett Till story?
Monday, March 19, 2012
leaned first one way and then the other, down the line of children. She said, "Is everybody understanding this?"
One child said, "The misuse of power is the root of all evil?"
Alice said, "Well--" (246)
Alice and her students are an interesting group of characters in Wolf-Whistle. Alice on the one hand seems to be a magical force of good, (amongst a cast with its fair amount of awfulness) while on the other, she seems pretty socially ignorant and naive. She seems to understand the emotional damage that might accompany taking a group of kids to, say a mortician, and yet she continues with her hilariously-terrible teaching plan, which in itself is not awful because of inaccuracies, the epithets are indeed very true of the world, however the extremity of these philosophical consequences that come from the mouth of the children in relation to what simply just happens, around them, sheds light on what Nordan seems to be saying of the South and of the human condition. That the lessons are awful because they have to be given, and anyone will learn to live with the injustice of human action if it is all that they know. It is Alice's social ignorance that allows for the juxtaposition, -- the terrible-ness with the innocence of childhood, -- or rather the ability of the children to see what is in in front of them better than those in charge of raising them. What seems important about the children in Alice's class is their ability to be influenced by what the rest of the characters consider to be the norm for human action.
Why does Nordan need the voice of the Alice's school children? How might the line, "The greatest depth of our loss is the beginning of true freedom," relate to rest of the novel?"
To me Nordan is alluding that Bobo is savior to the black race in this bit of Solon's inner dialogue. We have learned that it is Emmet Till's death that propels the civil rights movement into existence, ushering in a new fight for freedom for blacks all across the country. His death was a wake up call to both black and whites to the insanity of the social situation in the country. The song Solon remembers sings of the plastic Jesus resting on the dashboard of the car, an instrument used to signify hope. Nordan is stating that Bobo's horrific death is, in an paradoxical way, a beginning of hope for the black people of America.
The song "Plastic Jesu" itself is fitting to the blog as it is "southern" in feel,. Here in the video it is played by Paul Newman on a banjo, in the film Cool Hand Luke. Newman's character seems to be in a time of despair, so it is fitting for this portion of the book as well.
Q: Am I right about the symbolization or is this just Solon being his normal bogus self?
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Brace yourself, this post is not as funny as usual. How could it be, I'm doing homework during Spring Break
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Wisdom, by Solon Gregg
“It scared him to think that murder and suicide might be just another vain dream, an ideal hope that, once it was accomplished, would turn out to be just like New Orleans, just like everything else in this life, nowhere near what it was cracked up to be, and only another way of feeling bad about himself” (109).
I found the 5th chapter to be incredibly engaging. The stream of Solon Gregg’s thoughts about murdering himself and his family was given in such a hopeful way, giving a disturbing look into the way people like Solon Gregg can think. In this particular quote, he seems to have a moment of clarity, reflecting on his past decisions that have brought him only pain and misery. I semi thought that after this he would decide to turn from his ways, but of course that won’t happen (at least yet). He then quickly pushes aside this thought when, according to Solon, God miraculously gives him the perfect opportunity to go through with his murder suicide, saying, “In Jesus all things were possible, if you only believed” (125). The way he rationalized his actions, despite having at least a small amount of wisdom displayed in this quote (the first one), was terrifying to say the least. Besides saying he is psychopathic, why would he move so quickly from his point of clarity to intentions of murdering Bobo, his family, and himself?
Confederate Buzzards
The recurrence of the buzzards in this story struck me as odd in our first reading, and this scene in Rage Gage's barbershop confirmed that there has to be something more to the scavenging birds than eating dead armadillos. To me, there is a connection between the buzzards and the white people, specifically the original Confederate soldiers whose corpses drew them into Mississippi in the first place. The birds are described as "part of the glorious history of the South (68)", just as Confederate soldiers are, and some of them are said to be so old that they are actually the same birds who feasted on the dead soldiers. I find this detail important because it gives the reader an idea that the soldiers who fought to defend slavery are still around, at least in spirit, and the next description of the younger birds who wander aimlessly in the world, longing for freedom and purpose that their ancestors had, could be compared to the descendants of old white Southerners who still have trouble finding a place in the modernized and, in some places, racially integrated world. I think that Rage Gage has the same feeling about the buzzards, and it doesn't help that half of them are named after white government representatives of Mississippi. Rather than naming the other half after black people, as Rage Gage suggests, I feel like the rest of the buzzards represent the poor white class who have no better standards of living than their black neighbors, but who continue to loom over places like Rage Gage's barbershop and wait for their chance to assert what power their skin color gives them.
Discussion question: Could the section about the buzzard named Ross Barnett be connected to Solon Gregg's own story as he visits Lord Montberclair? If not, why does it exist?
Family Ties
I found this moment worth mentioning because of what we talked about, concerning Solon's character, during last class. Solon seems to have an endless barrage of malicious ideas running through his head at all times and he convinces himself that he is a decent person by taking note of the crimes which he does not commit because they are to heinous even for him. In this moment he comes to the conclusion that he and his family should just quit while they aren't too far behind and commit mass suicide or more like let themsleves be murdered so that Solon can forgive himself for their murders by killing himself last. This would somehow justify his crimes and put him at peace with his family and God. Interestingly enough he realizes that his daughter might want to get married instead of ending her life at fifteen and Solon seems to be okay with this. He even decides to give her the blood money he's going to earn as a wedding present. This type of negatively-reinforced rationalization, provides Solon with the motivation to continue doing the horrible things he enjoys doing and in some moments seems proud of. So far, this book seems to be full of characters who are extremely distant from the other characters in the novel. No one in this book seems to really like each other and most of them certainly dont trust one another. If i ever visit this town i might want to carry a concealed handgununder my shirt too.
Question: How does the apparent distance between characters quide the story's action and why does Solon feel the need to convince himself that he really isn't that bad of a criminal?